Friday, March 14, 2008

My first week!

Well it has been one week since I started this job. Everyone here has been extremely nice and helpful. Makes me wondering what they are hiding! (Just kidding!) It does make me miss all my co-horts at Gratiot hospital. They all knew me so well. We had all the side jokes I hear everyone laughing at here. The good news is I already got my first raise! Not bad for I week of work. 2% increase will be on the next check. I have no idea why. Something about a union agreement. Whatever I will take it.

Next week they are paying me to go to Grayling for the week. I will be up there from Sunday night to Friday night. Class is Monday to Friday 900-1600. They are paying for the hotel room and I am taking the state car. They even give me like 7.00 just for breakfast. It will be like a mini vacation for me, since I won't have to work at New Hope and will be done with work by 1600 in the afternoon. I don't even have to make my bed! I don't know what I'll do with all my time.

For the first 3 months my shift is from 800 to 1700 with a hour lunch. After that we can discuss changing our time. I don't mind coming in later but I hate not getting out till 1700. I need a job where I need to be here by 1100 and leave by 1400 I think that would be great hours! They are much more lenient. Especially about arrival and departure times and dress code. I seem to be overdressed most of the time.

Well I'm sure I will adjust. I certainly have sat in on some very interesting interviews. Some names I recongizes as the same people we dealt with at the hospital.

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