Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Time flys!

I guess it has been quite a while since I updated my blog. At least that's what Andrea keeps telling me! At least someone reads it. I miss you Andrea!

This weekend my entire family is going away for a long weekend. My Grandmother Janofski's brother died a while back and left a vacation home to his family and they are sharing it with us. We are excited. We are also nervous because the last vacation we all went on together was not a good one. Lots of yelling at each other and hard feelings. That's probably why we haven't tried one again. But my mother ever the optimist (at least when it come to her family) decided we were going to try again. This time we are taking a family friend Steve Hubbard and also Jay and Amy's newest family member Veronica. Maybe they can be the calming factor for the rest of us. I'll keep you posted if I live through it.

On September 11th I will have been at my new job for 6 months. For the celebration I am getting a raise! YEAH ME! Things are going a lot better for me. I'm really glad that I left the hospital although I do miss my friends that I made over there! I still have a few contacts who keep me up on all the goings on.

New Hope is struggling right now. Summer is a very hard time. Courts get short of money and they either take girls out of placement or keep them out of placement until the school year count is over. We are at 5 girls right now and 2 will be leaving us this week. 2 of our girls are private placement and so we change them only a small fee instead of the amount it costs. We need 6 girls to pay for the bills so as you can figure we are not at that point. We have been trying to get a DHS number and price for over a year now. We had 2 accountant try to help us and finally Amy and I sat down for 2 days and came up with the numbers we thought were right. Amy and our secretary also spent 2 weeks redoing things that the Department in Lansing wanted done. They promised we would have our number 2 weeks ago. Today we had a call on a girl from a DHS office wanting to place her with us but we still do not have our number or price. It is very discouraging! Please help us pray for this number. Once we get this number and price we should be able to fill all the beds in our house almost all the time. They are waiting for us to get it. Our staff has had to cut their hours because we just can't afford to pay them when the girls aren't there.

Have a great long weekend everyone! I really hope I do too!